Vernon and Sheella discuss sociocracy, a whole systems approach to collaborative decision-making, and how it creates more inclusive and effective organizations, where no voice can be ignored. Sheella specializes in helping companies and organizations unleash their creativity and increase productivity. She helps organizations implement Sociocracy in support of their strategic goals, and to create adaptive and effective organizations where all members’ voices matter. In addition to being a Sociocracy Consultant, she is a Certified Facilitator for the Blueprint of We Collaboration Process, used to build trust, creativity, effortlessness, and resilience in relationships. Sheella draws on broad experience as a teacher, business trainer, facilitator, and organizational consultant. Initially trained as a biophysicist, she became skilled at fostering collaborative teamwork in both research and classroom environments and has published articles on highly interactive methods of teaching in academic and business settings. After a career in science, she shifted from laboratory research to the people skills that deeply impact the outcomes of scientific ventures. Sheella incorporated Sociocracy into her consulting practice as the most effective method for making decisions and for creating cultures that support strong collaborative skills. She has worked with clients across several continents in the pharmaceutical, insurance, financial, apparel, service, and health care industries, as well as in education, government, and the nonprofit sector. Find out more about Sheella, and The Sociocracy Consulting Group at