This Week's Guest:

Air Date: July 20, 2023
Consumer Co-ops, Cooperative Development

Peter Dean Shares Lessons in the Creation of Affordable Housing Co-ops


Peter Dean leads National Co-op Community Services, the national division of UHAB, in New York City. UHAB has empowered New York City tenants to create over 1,300 limited equity housing cooperatives totaling over 30,000 homes during the past 50 years. NCCS is offering incubators around the country to share the lessons UHAB has learned so others can build permanently affordable housing cooperatives throughout the US.

Peter has developed and managed permanently affordable housing co-ops, grocery and cable television co-ops as well as non-profit and for-profit affordable housing. He lives in the Maryland suburbs of Washington, DC and has an MBA from Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business. 

Our host, Vernon Oakes, is a consummate advocate for cooperatives. He is a Past President of the National Association of Housing Cooperatives, and he’s served on several boards and committees to advance the interests of cooperatives. Recently, he served on the Limited Equity Cooperative Task Force, established by Anita Bonds, At-Large Member of the Council of the District of Columbia. Vernon is an MBA graduate of Stanford University, who has used his business acumen to benefit the community, by promoting the added value of the cooperative business model. 

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