Cynthia Pinchback-Hines
Air Date: September 16, 2021

Cynthia Pinchback-Hines, PhD, discusses Racial Justice and Co-op Development


Cynthia Pinchback-Hines PhD, Racial Justice Educator & Co-op Developer, of Co-op Cincy, discusses the “Power in Numbers: Black Co-op U” and “Business Legacy Fund” Programs, and announced the Annual Union Co-op Symposium, which will be held on November 12 & 13, virtually and in-person. The 1st day of the conference will be virtual, and the 2nd day will be in-person in Cincinnati. Dr. Pinchback-Hines, has a professional career spanning four decades. She is a community activist and organizer, educator, organizational development consultant, diversity leader, entrepreneur, and board member to several non-profits. Cynthia holds a PhD. in Educational Leadership for Higher Education. She has taught at Virginia State University, Delaware State University, and served as Associate Dean of African American Affairs & Ethnic Services at Northern Kentucky University, where she provided academic, cultural, and social support to African American students. In addition, she has presented at numerous professional conferences and conducted countless workshops. The Cincinnati Enquirer named her one of the ten most influential educators in Cincinnati and presented her with a Diversity Leadership Award for her achievements at Cognis Corporation.

Our host, Vernon Oakes, is a consummate advocate for cooperatives. He is a Past President of the National Association of Housing Cooperatives, and he’s served on several boards and committees to advance the interests of cooperatives. Recently, he served on the Limited Equity Cooperative Task Force, established by Anita Bonds, At-Large Member of the Council of the District of Columbia. Vernon is an MBA graduate of Stanford University, who has used his business acumen to benefit the community, by promoting the added value of the cooperative business model.